Koncept: ALS_S_DFHMS03A i ANALYS_MET kodlistan

Concept URI https://kodlistor.miljodatasamverkan.se/def/vocabulary/DATA_MATVARDE/ANALYS_MET/ALS_S_DFHMS03A
Preferred label ALS_S_DFHMS03A
Definition ALS S-DFHMS03A - ALS analysmetod för bestämning av polykorerade dibensodioxiner och dibensofuraner (PCDD och PCDF) i jord, slam och sediment. Analys enligt US EPA 1613B och SS EN 16190 med HR GC-MS. "Determination of PCDD/Fs in solid samples by isotope dilution method with the use of HRGC-HRMS. The procedure fulfils the conditions and requrements of the EPA 1613. Analysis includes spiking sample with 13C12 labeled extraction std., specific extraction method (toluen) by matrix ( including acid decomposition in the case of ash/slag samples), cleanup of a raw extract, fractionation and HRGC-HRMS measurement after addition of 13C12 labeled injection standard."
Status Valid
Status Modified 2025-01-22
Accepted Date
Not Accepted Date